Cindy Anderson, a young woman from Ohio, began experiencing terrifying nightmares that left her feeling deeply unsettled. These dreams, coupled with strange occurrences in her daily life, created a sense of impending doom. On August 4th, 1981, Cindy vanished from her workplace, leaving behind a seri...
Alejandra and her sister Sara encounter a terrifying doppelganger in their home, sparking a chain of eerie events that follow them into adulthood. While Sara’s children experience mysterious sightings of her when she’s not around, strange supernatural occurrences leave the family haunted by the cree...
In this true horror episode, we learn about families that lived their regular lives as a stranger crawled around inside their walls, waiting for nightfall. This story was originally published in December of last year and placed here as a temporary replay of our original episode based on requests fro...
The "Leads Masks Case" is a mystery that involves the paranormal, UFO sightings, and unexplained deaths. It follows two men, Miguel and Manoel, their strange behavior, the mysterious lead masks, and UFO sightings, leaving more questions than answers. Can you figure out what happened? You can find Ed...
Explore the Haunting of Mission San Antonio de Padua: Ghostly Monks and a Headless Horsewoman. Discover the chilling history of California’s forgotten mission, where eerie apparitions and unsettling encounters have left visitors questioning reality. From ghostly figures in the night to the legend of...